Our studio asked, can we make furniture that gives back more than it takes?

Our Journey

Okaterra is an experiment in regenerative design. We are creating a supply chain that is built from the soil up. Truly impacting our local ecosystems means starting with the farmers, sawyers, and mills who are already producing materials in a way that is regenerative.

Each of our producers use practices that actively renew soil, sequester carbon, and promote a healthier eco- system in their immediate area.

They are committed to transparency and so are we. We know the ground where each sheep grazed and every tree fell.

Our goal is to not only create incredible furniture but to scale in a way that supports more of these visionary farmers and producers.

Join us as we explore growing the future of furniture with regenerative materials.

by Common Object

A design studio founded upon a shared passion for exploring how sustainability, materiality, and community can drive value in design. We are designers of objects, spaces, and experiences striving towards a world where people are thriving, ecosystems are balanced, and beauty is common

What is regenerative?

It’s about giving more than we take.

The goal of regenerative is to move beyond sustainability to create positive impact for our planet and people. We believe regenerative isn’t a destination but a constant commitment to create and measure positive impact both environmental and social. It’s more than counting carbon and pushes us to think in new ways about how our products and companies influence every aspect of our ecosystem.